千赢国际弯曲不敏感单模光纤是为了满足对抗弯曲能力有极高要求的应用而研制的特种光纤。通过接纳特殊的波导结构设计,光纤具有极佳的抗弯曲能力,最小弯曲半径可抵达5mm。通过对光纤预制棒原质料与拉丝工艺的严格控制,光纤具有可靠的机械性能,可满足高强度筛选与长段长需求。该系列中,FT-AE-BI1011-A 适用于光纤制导;FT-AE-BI1015-A 和FT-AE-BI1015-B 适用于光纤水听器,其中FT-AE-BI1015-B 为包层直径是80μm 的细径光纤,效劳于小型化光器件的应用。
● 小尺寸的光器件
● 光纤制导
● 水听器
● 包括L 波段在内的极佳的宏弯性能
● 卑微弯损耗
● 精确的几何参数
● 良好的机械性能,筛选强度可抵达200kpsi
● 包层直径80μm,实现光纤小型化
光纤类型 |
BI 6/125-18/250*① | BI 7/125-18/250 |
BI 7/80-18/170*② |
产品编号 |
FT-AE-BI1011-A | FT-AE-BI1015-A | FT-AE-BI1015-B | |
光学性能 |
衰减 (dB/km) |
1310 nm |
≤0.39 |
-- |
-- |
1490 nm |
≤0.26 |
-- |
-- |
1550 nm |
≤0.24 |
≤0.26 |
≤0.28 |
1625 nm |
≤0.25 |
≤0.27 |
≤0.29 |
零色散波长 (nm) |
-- |
≤1420 |
-- |
-- |
光缆截止波长λcc (nm) |
-- |
≤1260 |
1350 ~ 1500 |
1350 ~ 1500 |
模场直径 (μm) |
1310 nm |
6.5±0.4 |
-- |
-- |
1550 nm |
7.4±0.5 |
7.5±0.4 | 7.0±0.4 | |
几何性能 |
包层直径 (μm)*③ |
-- |
124.7±0.5 | 124.7±0.5 | 80.0±1.0 |
包层不圆度 (%) |
-- |
≤1.0 | ≤1.0 | ≤1.0 |
涂层直径 (μm) |
-- |
240.0±5.0 | 240.0±5.0 | 170.0±5.0 |
芯/包同心度误差 (μm) |
-- |
≤0.6 |
≤0.6 |
≤0.6 |
宏弯附加衰减 |
25圈φ10 mm (dB) |
1550 nm |
-- |
≤0.02 |
≤0.02 |
1圈φ15 mm (dB) |
1550 nm |
≤0.05 |
-- |
-- |
1圈φ15 mm (dB) |
1625 nm |
≤0.10 |
-- |
-- |
1圈φ20 mm (dB) |
1550 nm |
≤0.02 |
-- |
-- |
1圈φ20 mm (dB) |
1625 nm |
≤0.05 |
-- |
-- |
10圈φ30 mm (dB) |
1550 nm |
≤0.01 |
-- |
-- |
10圈φ30 mm (dB) |
1625 nm |
≤0.02 |
-- |
-- |
情况特性 1310 nm,1550 nm and 1625 nm |
温度附加衰减 (dB/km) |
-60℃~85℃ |
≤0.05 |
≤0.05 |
≤0.05 |
机械性能 |
筛选张力 (kpsi) |
离线 |
150 |
200 |
200 |
Important Notice
Performance figures, data and any illustrative material provided in this data sheet are typical and must be specifically confirmed in writing by F-tone Networks before they become applicable to any particular order or contract. In accordance with the F-tone Networks policy of continuous improvement specifications may change without notice.
The publication of information in this data sheet does not imply freedom from patent or other protective rights of F-tone Networks or others. Further details are available from any F-tone Networks sales representative.