
标准光 ?

标准协议光 ?

兼容协议光 ?



Categories starting with S

SFP全国产光 ? (42)

千赢国际专业研爆发产(全国产化可选):SFP全国产光 ?, 是一家专业的SFP全国产光 ?槌Ъ,具有优质的SFP全国产光 ?槠分,有很好的SFP全国产光 ?榧鄹,SFP全国产光 ?楹A拷桓陡馈⒕ぁ⒑娇铡⒑教臁⑽淦鳌⒔⒋⒗状铩⒌缱印⒑斯ひ怠⒕隆⒌缌Α⑻贰⒁搅啤⒔煌ā⑼ㄐ拧⒌缧拧⒄府、国防科技工业系统内大专院校及科研院所
SFP全国产光?

SNAP12光 ? (11)

SNAP12封装系列 产品特性 l 3.5G、6.25G、10G三种典范传输速率 多路信号并行传输 事情温度规模宽、无需特别辅助散热 具有电磁辐射小、抗滋扰能力强等特点 广泛应用于光背板传输、并行光互连等
SNAP12光?

SFP光 ? (331)

我公司专业研发制造SFP光 ?。速率:SFP-155M/SFP-622M/SFP-1.25G/SFP-2.5G/SFP-3.125G/SFP-4.25G/SFP多速率;收发模式:单纤双向/双纤双向/双发双收/单发单收;波长:850nm/1310nm/155nm/CWDM/DMDM可;传输距离:0~160KM可;事情温度:商业级0℃~+70℃/工业级-40℃~+85℃可选
SFP光?

1.25G SFP (126)

S6矩形连接器 (1)

S6矩形连接器 产品介绍 切合ARINC600标准;接纳六方编码防错,具有99个防错键位;外壳体可选用差别质料及镀层以适应差别情况要求;可将普通低频、电源、高频、高速差分和光接触件进行混装,实现信号集成传输;接纳 ?榛峁股杓,用户可凭据使用要求选择差别的 ?樽楹;标准8#射频接触件使用频率0~500MHz,浮动8#射频接触件使用频率0~18GHz

S7矩形连接器 (1)

S7矩形连接器 产品介绍 切合MIL-DTL-83527B标准;接纳六方编码防错,具有99个防错键位; 外壳体可选用差别质料及镀层以适应差别情况要求; 可将普通低频、电源、高频、高速差分和光接触件进行混装,实现信号集成传输;接纳 ?榛峁股杓,用户可凭据使用要求选择差别的 ?樽楹;标准8#射频接触件使用频率0~500MHz,浮动8#射频接触件使用频率0~18GHz


SGMII SFP是专为100BASE-FX应用 ,建立在支持SGMII接口的PHY器件。标准串行ID信息兼容SFP MSA的收发功效、标准接口、制造商和其他信息。主机设备可以会见这些信息通过2线串行CMOS EEPROM的协议。如需进一步信息 ,请参阅SFP多源协议(MSA)。

SFP+光 ? (310)

SFP+ 10GBASE-SR 300米(多模OM3光纤); SFP+ 10GBASE-LRM 多模光纤 220米; SFP+ 10GBASE-LR 单模光纤 10-20公里; SFP+ 10GBASE-ER 单模光纤 40公里; SFP+ 10GBASE-ZR 单模光纤 80公里; SFP+ 10GBASE-EZR 单模光纤 120公里;
SFP+光?

SFF光 ? (88)

F-tone small form-factor (SFF) is a compact optical transceiver used in optical communications for both telecommunication and data communications applications. It is a popular industry format supported by several fiber optic component vendors. SFF transceivers are designed to support SONET/SDH, Gigabit Ethernet, Fibre Channel, and other communications standards.
SFF光?

SFP-DD光 ? (2)

SFP-DD光 ?,SFP-DD光纤 ?,SFP-DD高速光 ?,SFP-DD高速光纤 ?椋 旨在制定高速、双密度小尺寸可插拔(SFP-DD)接口的规范。计划打造一款针对50Gbps和100Gbps数据中心网络应用的双密度SFP尺寸光 ?。该光 ?榻揪菔菟俾适褂肗RZ或PAM4调制 ,会利用25Gbps NRZ或者56Gbps PAM4电接口 ,并通过一对传输线支持50Gbps ,112Gbps的应用。SFP-DD的首个市场目标是效劳器端 ,配合交换机侧的QSFP-DD ,实现总端口密度的翻倍;赟FP-DD规范的网络设备将支持古板SFP ?楹拖呃 ,以及新型双倍密度产品

SFP28光 ? (142)

千赢国际SFP28光 ?橹髁尤胝,助力全球光互联应用,SFP28光 ?橛:SFP28 SR,SFP28 LR 10km,SFP28 ER 40km,SFP28 BIDI光 ?,SFP28 CWDM光 ?,SFP28 DWDM光 ?榈热盗蠸FP28光 ?。
SFP28光?

SNAP12光 ? (16)

SNAP12光 ?:12路并行光发送 ?楹徒邮漳 ?槲醵叹嗬氲母咚偈荽砗痛涮峁└呖煽康亩嗦肥萘唇 ,解决了数据传输的瓶颈问题。SNAP12并行光 ?槲低程峁┝说捅厩⒏呙芏鹊氖荽浼苹。SNAP12并行光 ?橛12路独立的光通道组成 ,每通道可提供高达10Gbps的传输数据率 ,在OM3标准的多模光纤中 ,传输距离可抵达300米以上。SNAP12并行光 ?榈氖虑楣獠ǔの850nm ,40Gbps为单通道速率3.5Gbps ,60Gbps为单通道速率5Gbps ,75Gbps为单通道速率6.25Gbps ,120Gbps为单通道速率10Gbps。SNAP12并行光 ?槭视χ种盅峡岬氖虑樘跫 ,事情温度规模宽、耐湿润、抗振动、抗电磁滋扰 ,可广泛应用于车载、机载、舰载、高海拔等情况。产品有商业级、工业级和军品级多个质量品级可供选择。 ?樘峁┝擞 I2C 协议相兼容的两线串行数据端 口 ,提供 ?槟诘闹种旨嗫睾妥刺藕 ,通过软件升级 ,可为用户提供更多的功效。
SNAP12光?

SMA测试线缆 (18)


Items starting with S

SFF2x5 1.25Gbps光?

SFF2x5 1.25Gbps光 ?

SFF光 ?-2x5封装 1.25Gbps速率:

  • Up to 1.25Gbps/GE/OC-24 or other data links
  • Standard 2x5 PIN SFF footprint (MSA compliant)
  • Duplex LC connector
  • Very low jitter
  • Metal enclosure, for lower EMI
  • Single 3.3V power supply
  • 1310nm or 1550nm wavelength Laser Transmitter
  • Up to 120 Km on 9/125μm SMF
  • LVPECL/CML Signal Input and Output
  • LVTTL Signal Detect
  • Low power dissipation
  • Excellent EMI and ESD protection
  • Compliant with Small Form Factor (SFF) Transceivers Multi-Sourcing Agreement (MSA)
  • Two temperature ranges:

0°C to +70°C
-40°C to +85°C for industry level

SFF2x5 2.5Gbps光?

SFF2x5 2.5Gbps光 ?

SFF光 ?-2x5封装 2.5Gbps速率:

  • Up to 2.5Gbps/OC-48/STM-4 or other data links
  • Standard 2x5 PIN SFF footprint (MSA compliant)
  • Duplex LC connector
  • Very low jitter
  • Metal enclosure, for lower EMI
  • Single 3.3V power supply
  • 1310nm or 1550nm wavelength Laser Transmitter
  • Up to 120 Km on 9/125μm SMF
  • LVPECL/CML Signal Input and Output
  • LVTTL Signal Detect
  • Low power dissipation
  • Excellent EMI and ESD protection
  • Compliant with Small Form Factor (SFF) Transceivers Multi-Sourcing Agreement (MSA)
  • Two temperature ranges:

0°C to +70°C
-40°C to +85°C for industry level

SFF2x5 4.25Gbps光?

SFF2x5 4.25Gbps光 ?

SFF光 ?-2x5封装 4.25Gbps速率:

  • Up to 4.25Gbps/4GFC or other data links
  • Standard 2x5 PIN SFF footprint (MSA compliant)
  • Duplex LC connector
  • Very low jitter
  • Metal enclosure, for lower EMI
  • Single 3.3V power supply
  • 1310nm or 1550nm wavelength Laser Transmitter
  • Up to 120 Km on 9/125μm SMF
  • LVPECL/CML Signal Input and Output
  • LVTTL Signal Detect
  • Low power dissipation
  • Excellent EMI and ESD protection
  • Compliant with Small Form Factor (SFF) Transceivers Multi-Sourcing Agreement (MSA)
  • Two temperature ranges:

0°C to +70°C
-40°C to +85°C for industry level

SFF2x5光?-622Mbps

SFF2x5 622Mbps光 ?

SFF光 ?-2x5封装 622Mbps速率:

  • Up to 622M/OC-12/STM-4 or other data links
  • Standard 2x5 PIN SFF footprint (MSA compliant)
  • Duplex LC connector
  • Very low jitter
  • Metal enclosure, for lower EMI
  • Single 3.3V power supply
  • 1310nm or 1550nm wavelength Laser Transmitter
  • Up to 120 Km on 9/125μm SMF
  • LVPECL/CML Signal Input and Output
  • LVTTL Signal Detect
  • Low power dissipation
  • Excellent EMI and ESD protection
  • Compliant with Small Form Factor (SFF) Transceivers Multi-Sourcing Agreement (MSA)
  • Two temperature ranges:

0°C to +70°C
-40°C to +85°C for industry level

SFF2x5光?-155Mbps

SFF2x5-155Mbps光 ?

SFF2x5光 ?-155Mbps-双纤LC光纤 ?椋

  • 155M/FE/OC-3/STM-1 or other data links
  • Standard 2x5 PIN SFF footprint (MSA compliant)
  • Duplex LC connector
  • Very low jitter
  • Metal enclosure, for lower EMI
  • Single 3.3V power supply
  • 1310nm or 1550nm wavelength Laser Transmitter
  • Up to 120 Km on 9/125μm SMF
  • LVPECL/CML Signal Input and Output
  • LVTTL Signal Detect
  • Low power dissipation
  • Excellent EMI and ESD protection
  • Compliant with Small Form Factor (SFF) Transceivers Multi-Sourcing Agreement (MSA)
  • Two temperature ranges:

0°C to +70°C
-40°C to +85°C for industry level

SFF光收发?

SFF光收发 ?

SFF光收发 ?

● LC可插拔设计,便当动态和灵活的配置数据连接
● 最大支持传输速率达2.7Gbps
● +3.3V单电源供电

SFF光?

SFF光 ?

SFF光 ?

2X5或2X10 SFF结构设计| 支持速率可达3.2Gb/s || + 3.3V单电源 ,具备接收数据信号检测功效|工业级温度规模 ,切合RoHS

SFF单模单纤光?檠⌒捅

SFF单模单纤光 ?檠⌒捅

SFF单模双纤光 ?檠⌒捅恚
SFF DC0~10Mbps BIDI Transceiver Module
SFF 155Mbps BIDI Transceiver Module
SFF 622Mbps BIDI Transceiver Module
SFF 1250Mbps BIDI Transceiver Module
SFF 2488Mbps BIDI Transceiver Module

SFF2x5低速率光?

SFF单模双纤光 ?檠⌒捅

SFF单模双纤光 ?檠⌒捅恚
SFF DC0~10Mbps SM Transceiver Module
SFF 155Mbps SM Transceiver Module
SFF 622Mbps SM Transceiver Module
SFF 1250Mbps SM Transceiver Module
SFF 2488Mbps SM Transceiver Module




SFF单纤双向光?

SFF单纤双向光 ?

SFF单纤双向光 ?

●   单光纤WDM SFF收发器
●   速率高达2.67 Gbps
●   单电源+3.3 V供电

SFF双纤光?

SFF双纤光 ?

SFF双纤光 ?

千赢国际small form-factor (SFF)是一种小型光收发器 ,用于电信和数据通信应用的光通信。它是一种受接待的行业花样 ,获得了一些光纤组件供应商的支持。SFF收发器被设计为支持SONET/SDH、千兆以太网、光纤通道和其他通信标准。

SFP 0~10M光?

SFP 0~10M光 ?

SFP 0~10M光 ?

● 10 mb / s数据速率

● 单模和多模
●  ?榧山邮蘸痛涞缏妨讲糠肿槌

SFP 0~50Mbps MM Transceiver Module

SFP 0~50Mbps MM Transceiver Module

SFP 0~50Mbps MM Transceiver Module

Product Description
F-tone Networks's FTCS-85L2A-02I series of transceiver modules are the perfect solution for ultra-low speed communication networks.These transceiver modules support data rates up to 50Mbps. The module is fully compliant with Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) Transceiver Multi-Source Agreement (MSA).

SFP 1.25G 0.5km

SFP 1.25G 0.5km

SFP 1.25G 0.5km
1.25G SFP transceiver modules are designed for use in 1.25 Gigabit Ethernet links on up to 0.5km of Multimode fiber. They are compliant with the SFP MSA, IEEE 802.3z.The optical transceiver is RoHS compliant.

SFP 1.25G 10km

SFP 1.25G 10km

SFP 1.25G 10km
1.25G SFP transceiver modules are designed for use in 1.25 Gigabit Ethernet links on up to 10km of single mode fiber. They are compliant with the SFP MSA, IEEE 802.3z.The optical transceiver is RoHS compliant.

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